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Declaration details

The declaration details details screen can present itself in one of the three following modes:

  1. Consult declaration details
  2. Create new declaration
  3. Modify flow and/or period

The menu options that may be available:

Consult declaration details

In consult mode, the declaration details shows a summary of the declaration: period, flow, totals for mass, invoice value and optionally statistical value, supplementary units, number of records (totals and detailed). This screen also shows whether the declaration has been sent or not or contains any errors.
The 'number of records' and 'totals records' labels have links that lead to the records list of the declaration.
For a sent declaration there are the buttons Print and Export to make a print-out and (if applicable) download the send-job file.

Consult declaration details

Create new declaration

The creation of a new declaration happens in three steps where you have to make simple choice.
At every moment you can change the choice you have made in a previous step. For ex. in step 3 it is therefore still possible to change the flow in step 1.

  1. Step 1: choose the flow you wish to create a declaration for. Only the enabled flows are available (see Your company information (go to)). If only one single flow is enabled, it will automatically be pre-selected and no further choice has to be made in step 1. If the declaration has also enabled the Extrastat flow, the Extrastat flows will also be presented as options in this step.
    Step 1
    From step 1 you can also immediately start multiple flows/periods/declarants import (go to). Multiple flows/periods/declarants import will automatically create the necessary declarations.
  2. Step 2: choose the data-entry method, type in declaration or import declaration, or, if you have nothing to declare, Null declaration
    Step 2
    • Type in declaration will eventually take you to the declaration overview for adding record details manually (of through import).
    • Import declaration will eventually take you to the import (go to) screen.
    • Null declaration will eventually take you to the PSI declarations (go to) list to send the Null declaration from there.
  3. Step 3: regardless of the chosen date-entry method you must still supply the period. For this you can use the coding aid of the period field.
    This is the last step:
    Step 3
    No press the button create a declaration to proceed with what you have chosen in step 2.
    • If a similar declaration already exists a confirmation will be required. Click OK to proceed. Click open existing declaration … to further process it.
    • If you have not yet created a declaration for the previous period and flow a confirmation will be required. Click on OK to proceed anyway.
    • You can also change the choices you have made in steps 1 through 3 (to avoid the question or warning)
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Modify flow and/or period

As long as a declaration has not been sent, you can change the period and/or flow. The flow can only be changed for arrival and dispatch declarations. If only one of these flows has been enabled you cannot change the flow. (See Informatieplichtige(n) (go to))
To modify the declaration choose the menu option Modify declaration details F11 and modify the flow and/or period as required:

Opgave-details wijzigen

Click the button Modify declaration details to save the changes. Changing the flow or period results in the re-validation of all records of the declaration. A consequence of this could be that one or more records are no longer valid (for ex. because the statistical procedure 02 is not valid in an arrival declaration). Such records need to be corrected.

Third-party declarant

For a third-party declarant the PSI declarations list only shows the declarations of the currently active PSI. You can only manage declarations (create, modify or delete) of the active PSI in the PSI declarations list. To be able to manage the declarations of another PSI, you must first change active PSI (go to). Once you have changed the active PSI you will be taken to the PSI declarations list of that PSI. From within this list you can then manage the declarations for this PSI.

Further reading