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PSI declarations

The PSI declarations screen shows the list of all declarations that are available for the active PSI. This list contains the declarations of one single PSI for all flows (flows) and periods. Like in most other lists you can sort this list on the different columns and filter the list. In addition to this you can also filter the list on flow and/or sent status.
If a declaration has not been sent and does not contain any errors it can be sent by using the send button shown in the list.

Declarations list - PSI declarations

PSI declarations

In the PSI declarations screen you can manage all the declaration of one (the active) PSI. In this list the following standard options are available: add and delete. Clicking on the link of the declaration number will lead you to the declaration overview where you can manage the declaration records (if the declaration has not yet been sent or if it is not a null declaration).

For a third-party declarant: to manage the declarations of another PSI you must first change active PSI (go to)


The following options are available in this screen:

Using the tabs at the top of the list you can filter the list on sent- and/or flow. It is not possible to filter the list on the individual Extrastat flows (the filter considers the different) Extrastat flows to be one single flow).
If for instance you click on Intrastat arrival (ICA) the list will only show Intrastat arrival declarations. If in additional you also click on not yet sent, only the not yet sent Intrastat arrival declarations will be shown.
Click on no filter to cancel the filter on flow and sent-status.

Third-party declarant

For a third-party declarant the PSI declarations list only shows the declarations of the currently active PSI. You can only manage declarations (create, modify or delete) of the active PSI in the PSI declarations list. To be able to manage the declarations of another PSI, you must first change active PSI (go to). Once you have changed the active PSI you will be taken to the PSI declarations list of that PSI. From within this list you can then manage the declarations for this PSI.

Further reading