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Print and Export Declaration

You can print or export, to a text-file or PDF-file, the summary and the records of a declaration.
Exporting downloads a file with TAB as separation character. You can for instance import this file into Excel for further processing (or printing). To export the declaration to a text-file, use the Export button.
To export the declaration to a PDF-file, use the Export to PDF button.
To print the declaration you use the browser's built-in print function. This is invoked by the Print button. The printout of a declaration, and export to PDF, is limited to 1000 records (a capacity-exceeded warning will be shown on the screen). For exporting there is no limit on the number of records. Thus, if you would like print a declaration with more than 1000 records, export it to a file which you can print out on your system.

Print and Export Declaration

The view in which the records of the declaration are shown can be selected with the radio buttons:

For declarations with many records, the change of view may take a while.