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Start import

From within this screen you can start import. In the screens where this is applicable the menu will show the import option (F19). This option will take you to this screen with the appropriate import mode (declaration records or PSI commodity codes) pre-selected.

Procedure for starting the import

  1. Choose import mode (pre-selected in many cases):
  2. Choose import definition. The field 'name' shows the possible import definitions that are applicable for the chosen import mode. Use the coding aid of this field to select an import definition.
    Import definitions with a grey background in this list are the pre-defined import templates; those with a white background are the self-defined import definitions.
  3. Supply import file:
    1. Click on File name to open the file selection dialog
    2. Supply a file that resides on your system and confirm the file selection dialog
    3. Click on load file to upload this file from your system to the CBS-server
  4. Supply any additional information; this is dependent on the chosen import definition:
  5. Click on Start import
Illustrated examples below.

Once you have filled in all mandatory fields and have started the import (see example of this below), you will be taken to the import/sending status (go to) screen where your import action will be carried out as a background task, If the task has completed you can go to the import log (go to) via the link of the task. In the import log you can consult the result of the import action (error messages, summary of the import, etc.).
Attention: If too many errors occurred during the import, the import action will be abandoned and no data will be stored. In this case you should correct the import file en retry the import again.

The example below shows the batch for the import action with the file multi-flexibel.xlsx.

Batch after import

Below you will find some examples for the different import types

Multiple flows/periods/declarants import

  1. Choose import type:
    Choose import type
  2. Import definition chosen, now supply the import file:
    Supply file
  3. Import file has been supplied, now supply the extra import details:
    Supply extra details

Declaration (record) import

For declaration import, a declaration must be 'active'. An 'active' declaration or declaration is the declaration which you are currently editing and from where you may have invoked the import action.

Declaration record import

PSI commodity codes import

PSI commodity codes import

Consult import definition

If you have chosen the import definition to use, you can consult it from within this screen (and change it if necessary). Click on the details button to the right of the import definition field. You will be taken to the import definition details scherm. Upon leaving that page you will automatically declaration to this page.
Attention: The data you may have filled in this screen will be lost and you will have to fill it in again. Only the chosen import type and import definition will be remembered and restored upon returning in this screen.

Further reading