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Import overview

You can import declarations, PSI commodity codes (go to) and Default screens (go to). Importing this kind of data will read it from an external file you may have available, and upload the data into IDEP. This is data you would normally enter manually. To use import you should have your data available in an ASCII-text- Excel- of MS Access-file.

Attention: the actual import is carried out by the CBS server and not on your machine. The import-file must therefore be uploaded from your system to the CBS server. The import start screen (see below) will help you with this.

Start import & Import-log

In the import start screen (go to) the imports are started. In this screen you choose the import-type, the import definition to use (se below), the import-file and any additional information that might be required (for ex. for Excel the name of the worksheet to use).
In the screens where this is applicable (for example the list of PSI commodity codes) the menu has an Import-option (F9). This option will take you to the import start screen where the appropriate import-mode is already selected (declarations, PSI commodity codes or default screens).
If the import-action has been started you will be taken to the import/sending status (go to) screen where your import-action will be carried out as a background task. If the task has completed, you can consult import-log (go to). In the import-log you can observe the results of the import-action (error messages, warnings, summary of the action etc.).
Attention: If too many errors occurred during the import, the import will be aborted and no data will be added. You should correct the import-file or import definition and re-try the whole import-action.

Import definitions

The import definitions (go to) are the bases of IDEP's import facility. These import definitions can be pre-defined or self-defined. I.e. you can define your own import definitions.
An import definition defines the mapping between the fields in IDEP and the fields of the import-file. Depending on the type of import definition, this mapping can apply to declarations, PSI commodity codes or default screens. A part from the mapping, the import definition supplies additional information such as file-type, separation character and so on.

Import-file types

IDEP import supports the following file-types: ASCII-text, Excel or MS Access databases. For Excel and MS Access all Office-versions are supported (for ex. XLS, XLSX & XLSM). For ASCII-text, text with a separation char or fixed-length records are supported.

Import declarations

For importing declarations there are two methods:

  1. Declaration import (declaration record import): Import directly into an existing declaration. Records will be added to the current declaration. This option can be invoked from within the declaration overview (or, if there is an 'active' declaration, this option can be invoked from the import start screen).
  2. Multi import: Import records for several declarations, possible for several declarants, flows and periods. IDEP can add records to appropriate declarations for the appropriate declarants. If the appropriate declarations do not yet exist, they will be created. A typical example of this is the SRL Import definition.
    The import-file that will be used for multiple flows/periods/declarants import should contain the correct information (declarant, period, flow) but it is also possible to supply default values for this information.

Import with default values

During import of declaration two kinds of default values can be applicable:

  1. Identification: Declarant, period, period-format, flow and flow-format; in case this information is not available in the import-file, IDEP will prompt for this information when starting up the import-action (this depends on the used import definition).
  2. Missing data: For fields that are not available in the import definition, default values can be supplied by a default screen. During the definition of the import definition you specify which default screen to use during the import. This has to be an existing default screen.

Standard Record Layout (SRL)

The pre-defined import definition Standard Record Layout (SRL) makes it possible to import the standard IRIS ASCII-text files. Below you will find the specification of this import template.
Start import with SRL

Standard Record Layout (SRL)

Import other data

You can import PSI commodity codes (go to) and Default screens (go to) from external files. You can do this via the import menu-option in the corresponding screen or also direct via the import screen where you choose the appropriate import-method:

Further reading