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General Principles

The way IDEP.WEB presents itself to you is consistent throughout the package. There are list forms and entry forms. The list forms show a number of records of the same type.

Data Entry Fields

There are two types of fields:

Mandatory fields; the text of a mandatory field ends with a '*' (asterisk). The mandatory fields have the following behaviour:

  1. Mandatory fields not yet filled-in have a yellow background
    Mandatory field not yet filled-in
  2. Mandatory fields correctly filled-in have a green background
    Mandatory fields correctly filled-in
  3. Mandatory fields incorrectly filled-in have a red background
    Invalid field

Options fields with the following behaviour:

  1. Optional fields not yet filled-in or correctly filled-in have a white background
    Optional field
  2. Optional fields incorrectly filled-in have a red background

Any field can be:

  1. Free text
  2. Combo box with drop down and possibility of typing in text. These can be recognised by the presence of the down-pointing selection arrow:
    Dropdown selection
  3. Pick-List field with selection popup and possibility of typing in text. These can be recognised by the presence of the up-right selection arrow:
    Popup selection

Any field can have a value restriction:


Save anyway

Error messages for erroneous fields are displayed on the right hand side, or bottom, of the data entry form. For each of the erroneous fields an error message will be displayed in the error summary.

In the record details screen it is possible to store a record with errors or missing data (that you can correct/fill in at a later stage).

If you leave a screen without having stored the data (for ex. when closing the browser window of when choosing a link that leaves the current page) a blocking confirmation message will be displayed: Do you want to exit without saving?

List forms

List example
The following UI principles are adopted in lists throughout the IDEP.WEB application:

At the bottom of empty lists the most obvious functions allowing 'populating' this list are made available.

Actions in an empty list

Online Help

Each page except the start page and site map has a dedicated help link pointing to a particular topic in the online help. The help in the main menu points to the start of the online help.

Crumbs or bread crumbs

Bread crumbs
On each screen the so-called bread crumbs) are visible and allow navigation back to the previous (logical) hierarchical level. From each bread crumbs trail it is possible to go the start page of the application.

Hierarchical navigation

We strongly recommend not to use the previous and next button of your Internet Browser, but to use the navigation inside the package instead. (crumbs, Cancel of Back to … button, etc.)

You can find your way through the package in many ways (see also menu and navigation):

In most of the screens there is a Declaration to … or Cancel button in the bottom left. This button closes the current screen and returns to the previous logical level in the hierarchy. Usually this is the same as clicking the before-last entry in the bread crumbs trail.

Tips and recently used actions

On the top and/or bottom of some screens an instructions box or tip box will be displayed (see example below). This can be switched on or off in the options screen (go to)
Example instructions

In the right-hand panel of the start screen the most recently used functions are shown. From this panel you can quickly declaration to the previously used screen without having to locate it in the menu.

Consult mode

If a declaration has been sent its records can no longer be edited and can only be consulted (greyed texts and washed-out colours). A number of options are not available in consult mode.
If a record (detail record, PSI commodity code, default screen) is being edited by another user IDEP will show the message function already in use and the record will be shown in consult mode.

Lengthy actions

It can happen that an action takes a while. In this case a message will be shown on the screen. You should not leave or refresh this screen but wait until completion of the action.

Please wait